
Bright Memory: Infinite (An underrated game that was made by single developer)

                          If you are a fan of fast paced action game that provides you variety of weapon to choose from and let you make awesome combination of them, let me introduce Bright Memory: Infinite.               The game starts with a female protagonist that works for an organization that deals with supernatural anomalies. She has a left mechanical arm that will help you in combat in making amazing combos and finisher.                               Graphics are beautiful with an amazing detail of the environment. With 4 guns, sword and one mechanical arm the combat feels flawless, the developer has worked in the movement part that makes making combo even smoother. And let me mention you once again this is made by a single developer.            ...

One Piece Odyssey (Full walkthrough review)

                                     I have finally completed the game One Piece Odyssey, and it took me almost 20 to 22 hours to finish the game. And a special thanks to AI fighting mechanics so that I could eat while watching fight.              When you start the game it doesn't look that long but when you start playing and start exploring you lost track of time. I do not like playing turn-based fighting games, but I don't know how I completed this game.                Sometimes fight looks repeated because the enemies are just roaming around and if you go close to them even by mistake the fight automatically starts, and it takes 5 to 15 minutes to a fight to finish.                       I specially thank the AI in the beginning of the articl...

One Piece: Odyssey (First hour review)

                    If you are fan of One Piece anime and enjoy playing anime-based game, so you can go for One Piece: Odyssey that is released on 13th January 2023.            I have played for this game for one hour, honestly the intro looks amazing how the player got introduced in action that is very good. But after that game got slower and it cools down the rush we expect from the game.                                As the game starts, we crashed on a mysterious island where our ship is wrecked, and we need to find our crew. We find them in no time and have our first fight as well with a giant monkey.              This game is role playing game and the mechanics are easy to understand and execute. I tried playing it for more than one hour but my yawning stopped me f...

The Entropy Centre (PC GAME) - A game for all the puzzle lovers out there

                      If you are person that likes solving puzzles and enjoying playing PC games, then I have a perfect game for you.                      The Entropy Centre that starts with female protagonist that is outside the Earth with amnesia, as you move forward you found out that earth has been destroyed and the only way to save it is to fix a time machine.                  This is game like Portal where you go different areas when you solve the current area puzzle, but in this you will have a companion AI that will help you in introducing you to environment and cracking jokes time to time.                 You will have a time rewind gun that you need to use to solve the puzzles, as you move forward the puzzles will get harder to solve.  I really like the game and enjoyed ...

Video games releasing in January 2023

                                  A lot of games are releasing this month with big franchises such as One piece: Odyssey and Dead Space Remake are on the way with some new games that could do good in market.                            Let's check out the list of all the games that are releasing this January 2023 including small and big ones.             Title Release Date Platforms Scrap Riders Jan 9 Switch, PC Path of the Midnight Sun Jan 10 PC Children of Silentown Jan 11 Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One KartRider: Drift Jan 11 PC, iOS, Android Aquatico Jan 12 PC Lone Ruin Jan 12 Switch, PC Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider Jan 12 Switch, PC, PS4 SimRail - The Railway Simulator Jan 13 PC SpaceBourne 2 Jan 13 PC Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Jan 13 PS5, Xbox Series X/S One Piece Odyssey Jan 13 PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox ...

September 7th (PC GAME) - Best Horror game to start your new year with.

                      New year has started and with that new games are on the way, and if you want to start a new year with a horror game, go nowhere. Because I have come up with this underrated horror game that will make you jump out of your seat.            Your player name is Dima, and the story starts when he visits his apartment and is expecting a gift from his girlfriend Anya. And he receives a strange elf doll and after that things starts to go sideways.           The game is full of unexpected jump scare moments that you will love it, if you are a person that likes adrenaline so at one point your mind will say to stop and breath for a moment, but your heart will say let's move forward and have fun.         The game is not long you will finish the game probably in 30 to 40 minutes and the mechanics and tools are very limit...

SUCCUBUS (PC GAME) - A Lusty Succubus that will make you drool

                      I started a new year with this amazing game Succubus, first 5 minutes of this game got my attention completely. As the female protagonist wakes up half naked with boobies juggling and catching the full attention.                       As you go through you fight in hell with different demons, I played the game, the walkthrough looks monotonous and same fight after every interval.               But the cutscene makes me drool like I want to be in this game, and best part is that you can select the costume of the female character and not only character but figure too that included boobs size and butt size too.                                    I have made a small video to spice things up. Enjoy.       ...

Araya Gameplay Review PC

                   Araya is a first person shooter horror survival game in which you will be playing different character through out the story.                     Experiencing the story from different point of views. This is a story about a girl  whose name is Araya that has got disappeared in an hospital. The hospital is temporarily close because of abnormal activities. First you will be playing as Marisa, Araya's best friend.Your job is to sneak into the hospital and find out what happened to Araya. You will be playing different characters as story moves on.              The game is good. Some new way to scare the audience,your ground is a hospital which is kind of a same in most of the horror games but the game changes as you move your head. You will be facing psychopaths in this game and it's obvious you cannot fight them,you...