One Piece Odyssey (Full walkthrough review)
I have finally completed the game One Piece Odyssey, and it took me almost 20 to 22 hours to finish the game. And a special thanks to AI fighting mechanics so that I could eat while watching fight.
When you start the game it doesn't look that long but when you start playing and start exploring you lost track of time. I do not like playing turn-based fighting games, but I don't know how I completed this game.
Sometimes fight looks repeated because the enemies are just roaming around and if you go close to them even by mistake the fight automatically starts, and it takes 5 to 15 minutes to a fight to finish.
I specially thank the AI in the beginning of the article, as the fight start you can set the character on automatic so that they can fight on their own and you can take rest for at least 5 minutes and eat something.
You will sometimes feel boring just roaming around and fighting unnecessary fights but as the stats grow your character becomes stronger that gives advantage in the next fight. But as a fan of anime I had to complete the game so I did.
You can give it a try once but I am not sure about completing the whole game because it doesn't hold the interest of people the whole time. So sometimes you push yourself to move and complete the game, but we are gamers and that's what we do.
Want me to review any other game or want to know more about this game, please mention in the comment.
Your friend,
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